Sunday, December 14, 2008

Fat on babies = cute. Fat on me = not so much.

Why is it that double chins are cute on babies, but not on 40 year women?

And why can't I wear horizontal stripes, when babies can, and proportionally their stomachs are fatter than mine??

And when do rolls on thighs become "ugh" instead of "adorable?"

If I could be a baby, I'd be cute on all three fronts. :)


CrossView said...

Amen, Sistah! Preach on!

lillinda said...

Oooh ! I completely understand !
Why do they even make shirts with horozontal stripes my size?
Who buys them?
And I bet you were a cute baby, fat and all !

Kelley said...

You said it!

40winkzzz said...

Toothless babies are cute, too. Toothless adults, not.

Anonymous said...

I've got all that, AND the occasional drool.