Sunday, January 04, 2009

I'm teaching my dog to play board games.

My dog plays Scrabble, but since she usually only knows 3 or 4-letter words like "arf", "bark", "woof", and "howl", she usually needs a little help thinking up 2-letter words. We let her use the manual now and then.

She's really good at paying attention. I guess it comes from all that "watch dog" training.

Although, sometimes she cheats and looks at my tiles!


CrossView said...

Full of the cute factor! LOL!

He's grown into quite a handsome young pup. Nice to know. I'm afraid he wouldn't have made it if we had him. =P

So it looks like his training has taken??!!

Indian Lake Papa said...

I never did like scrabble - always got beat by the German Shepherd! Rats!

lillinda said...

Can I borrow your dog? I love to play Scrabble but my guys, not so much. I have to threaten to get someone to play with me. I even try not to win just to encourage them.'Yep, I need a Scrabble playing dog!

Karate Mom said...

Awwww, your puppy is so gorgeous!! *swoon* And such a good board game player! :)

Rachel said...

Ahaha! Sophie and Sparky would love to chew on the tiles...does that count?